Monday, February 20, 2017

Reviews / Interviews


2024/03/29 - Short Review to "Ringu リング [2024]" by Mutant Zones blogspot:

2023/09/17 - Review to "†​​​▲​​​PANDEMONIO​​​▲​​​† album [2023]" by Mutant Zones blog:

2023/03/07 - Review to "Indenumbra Poltergeist (EP) [2017]"[spanish] by 20kbps rec:

2022/10/31 - Review to "Atmosfera Livida [B-Sides]" EP by Mutant Zones blog:

2022/03/11 - Review to "Witch House in the Forest" EP by Concreteweb website:

- backup screenshots:

- 2020/12/15: - Review to Dolly Dearest (album) by Musexplat webzine:

- 2019/10/29 - Review to Acudrux (EP) by Musexplat webzine:

- 2019/09/10 - Review to Phi (EP) by 1208 North Fuller Ave Apt 1:

2019/06/01 - Review to Phi (EP) by DarkUndergroundMusicZine:

2019/04/21 - Review to Bailo con mis Pesadillas (Album) by Ony Music Reviews:


2019/02/13 - review to Cementerio Central Bogotá (single) by Yeah I Know it sucks blog: 

 2019/02/07 - review to Yurei (EP) by Sonidos Estrambóticos blog:

2018/12/10 - review to Esoterika album by Casey Douglass blog:

2018/11/12 - review to Esoterika album by Pastel Wasteland webzine:

- backup screenshots: page1:

2018/10/11 - review to Obscure Matrix album by Witch House Music reviews
(Google+ screenshot):

2018/09/ - review (on spanish) to Campos Áridos (ep) by Propuesta Cultural blog:

2018/02/05 - review to Noise Sudaka (ep) by Issues Magazine (page 10):

2018/02/23 - review (on Polish) to Ghost computer music album by Industria webzine:

2018/02/05 - review (on spanish) to Ghost computer music album by Sonidos Estrambóticos blog:

2017/07/26 - review to Dark Noise Anthems compilation by Yeah I Know it sucks blog:

2016/12/11 - review to Configuración Magenta (ep) by Yeah I Know it sucks blog:

2016/11/07 - review to Atmósfera Lívida album by Yeah I Know it sucks blog:

2016/07/28 - review (spanish) to "Trasfondo Sonoro" mini-album by Wet Dreams blog:


* 2020 / Interview in Cian Orbe blog based in question made by listeners in facebook and souncloud:
* 2018 / Interview (on Spanish) to Humanfobia by Propuesta Cultural blog:

* 2018 / Interview (on Spanish) to Humanfobia by IN*Fusion Art Magazine:

* 2017/ Interview to Humanfobia by Sexta Distorsión: (On Spanish) link:

* 2018 / Interview to Sábila Orbe about Witch Spectra netlabel by Music Map Global (English) link:

Support not massive genres / creative commons artists / people who make music for love to art / music that you can use without commercial purposes for your mixes, radio station, videos, short movies, videogames, softwares, etc. just giving credit to the respective creator. / Discover the world of the underground music in netlabels / Support artists who really cares your opinion ///////**** in the other hand celebrities and millionaire famous artists don't care your difusion, don't care your birthday wishes, don't care fans, only cares money.The music industry is other tool of the system for create false idols and control masses.